How Colloidal Silver Can Be Beneficial To Your Well Being Sep 20th, 2015 [viewed 3 times] |
If you are suffering from a certain condition and you are not seeing any improvement despite taking your medication faithfully, you should consider exploring other options. One such option is the use of colloidal silver. Not only is it used for treatment of various conditions, it is can also be taken as a preventative measure against various conditions. This liquid has many other benefits. Indigestion, gas and bloating are not things that you would like to experience due to the level of discomfort they cause to the affected person. If you are suffering from stomach problems, it could be due to the fact that food stays for long in your stomach as a result of fermentation. By taking this liquid, you will prevent food from fermenting in your stomach. This means that food will be digested much faster. In addition, you will be able to get maximum nutrition from the food you eat as the liquid promotes nutrients from food to be absorbed into your body. This liquid can be used for internal body cleansing. Taking a few drops a day can help cleanse your body from worms. If you are at high risk of getting worms, you can take this liquid on a regular basis. The liquid will prevent worm's eggs from hatching inside your body. You can also use the liquid to fight off yeast infections, such as bladder infections. A few drops of the liquid added to drinking water will help to prevent water borne diseases. The liquid can be applied externally to help promote wound healing. If applied frequently on the affected area, you will see some improvement after sometime. It can also be used to treat skin conditions. Apart from that, apply it to cuts, burns, bruises and to help in preventing dandruff. Its antiseptic properties will help to disinfect wounds from germs. Applying a few drops of pure colloidal silver into an infected eye or foot can help in healing. If your feet are affected, clean and dry them, then apply the liquid for a few minutes between your toes, then wipe off the liquid. You can also put a few drops of the liquid into your eyes before you go off to bed at night. If you have a viral infection, use this liquid so that you can feel better. The liquid works by starving the virus of oxygen, subsequently killing it or reducing its level of activity in your body. This will take away your symptoms. Colloidal silver dosage varies depending on the condition to be treated and the severity. It is important for you to research the correct amount of the liquid to take for your particular condition. However, you should not use the medication for more than two weeks consecutively. If your symptoms persist, see a doctor. You can use the liquid to help keep your food fresh for long periods of time. This will be quite helpful if you are going for a picnic. For example, you can add a couple of drops to any foods that have egg or dairy products in them. This will reduce chances of you getting infected by salmonella. Pure colloidal silver is now sold on the World Wide Web. You can get full details and info about the benefits of using this product at http://gold2live.com. |